Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whoa...It's been a busy few months! Feb-March RECAP... Go!

Wow, since I last wrote in my blog so much has occured! Let me update ya! here's a Re-cap of Feburary and March!

             Feburary turned into a crazy month. First off we had Snow!!! that was pretty fun! Especially since it was lil Miss Neira's 1st Snow!


Me, Eris and Niera

Then it was Valentines!! Kennon surprised me with flowers, a new candle, and
candy!!! I got him the headset he has been wanting for his Xbox! We were both super stoked! :) Then we had a wonderful dinner out! I love him so much :)
Kinda at the last minute I ended up gettin to keep the Dotson kiddos for 2 weeks, give or take, while thier G-ma headed to Alaska to help out her son! We also got to go to the San Angelo Rodeo Carnival with the Bonds! We had a blast! Kennon and I had Nico that weekend, so it was great to have some friends with kiddos to go with us!





March was a tought month! My 26th birthday fell on a Sunday. That was also the day my best friend had to say goodbye to her hubby as he left to train for 2 months to prepare him to be deployed to Iraq. So we pushed my bday clebrations to the weekend after so we could dedicate my bday weekend to Rannie! Saturday night we had a fun group dinner for him at Zentners... Yummo food!

Then Kennon and I took some of the kiddos (Rafe, and Peyton) out for ice cream! Then back over to Jessica's to hang for awhile.The next day after church we grabbed lunch with rannie, jess, and the kiddos at Sonic and headed out to the airport to eat it and wait for Rannie to board his flight. I got tons of pics for Jess and the kids to have. It was super sad...

Peyton always a lil sweetheart!

Makenna's older now so this time
hit her hard... Poor baby!

One of the strongest women
 I know.....

Grayson was a trooper

Kennon and Rannie

Rannie and I

Afterwards we took the kids to the pet store for fish stuff, then home so Jess could kinda de-stress and Kennon decided to play around with the kiddos to help raise thier spirits!! And boy did he ever! He'll b a good Dad one day! 

My He-Man

grayson loved this

Kennon and Makenna

lol being silly

Later jess and I got puppies, hers was for her Mom.. mine? Was a bday gift to myself and her name is Paisely :) ! Then met up my sister Michelle to try out the new Chinese place Old Town Buffet :) It was yum!

The next weekend was my Birthday!! it was SO fun! Theevening began with dinner at Chili's! Then on to Woofers and Tweeters for a lil karaoke and finally Graham's for some dancing! My awesome bestie got me a cool Zebra bag, truquoise cross necklace, and a Bird of Paradise scented Circle E candle :) Kennon got me Zumba for the Kinect! It was a great day!

my bday lei

Kennon and  I at Chilis

My best girls!!!


All in alll Feb and March were a really good months for me! Had fun keeping the kiddos, and Valentines was fabulous! Sad to see Rannie go, but super thankful for his sacrifices for my freedom... amazing bithday with great friends! Loved, Loved, Loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Great update! will we be seeing April - June anytime soon? (haha that rhymes!)
