Monday, August 1, 2011

April and May Catch-Up :)

April and  May were great months this year! Easter, Niera's bithday, and Kennon and I's One year Wedding Anniversary! :)

April was wonderful! Easter month! :) Kennon and I attended Easter services at the First Christian Church in Ballinger with my parents, Sister Kayla, and her husband Paul. It was a wonderful service, the Pastor Lynn Smith, did a great job.

We also attended Junctions annual Easter pageant this year. I had never been, and neither had my family. So my Parents, along with Kayla and Paul drove over to meet us in Junction for the play. My Mother in Law, and Father in law were both actors in the play so that made it especially exciting! We really enjoyed the play, I hope I have kiddos to take to it one day.

Junction's annual Easter Pageant

Scene from the play

Another scene... LeeRoy's somewhere
at the table

Then along came May  :) 

May was a particularly busy month. It started off with Miss Eris's Dance recital! As always she was beautiful and did a great job! I was sooo proud of her!

"Walkie Talkie doll"
Dance Outfit

Eris and Kennon

Cheyenne, Dakota, and Eris

Me and Eris

"You Got a Friend in Me"
Dance outfit

Next up was Niera's BIG 1st Birthday :) 

                              Niera's birthday was wonderful. The theme was Dumbo and I got to decorate, and make her cake! I was excited to do something so fun for Miss Niera, Kennon and I's goddaughter!  We held it at the San Angelo City Park under the Pavillion!

Me, Niera, and Gio
Her 2 Tier Dumbo cake and her
smash cake I made her!

Yay someone's 1!!!!

Niera and her Mommy
blowing out the candles!
Kennon and I with our Goddaughter
on her 1st Birthday!

And finally Our 1 year Wedding Anniversary!!!!! :)

                                      This 1st Anniversary was great! We did all the traditional things.. Exchanging "paper" gifts, eating our Wedding cake topper, made an Anniversary arranmgement to be displayed at our Church, and had a wonderful night of remembering!

My Wedding/Anniversay set all together

Gorgeous! I love him!
"paper" bag my new ring  in it!

My ring!!!

His "paper" brochure gift!
his gift.. A M v F trip to Austin!

His Man vs Food shirt

Cutting our cake topper

Me feeding Kennon cake

Kisses <3

Cut Cake

Kennon feeding me cake

We also made an Anniversary Flower arrangement together to be displayed at our church on the Sunday of our Anniversary :) This was really fun to do together and made some fun and memorable Anniversary memories!

finished product

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