Thursday, January 13, 2011


                      So life has been carrying on the last two weeks at a very fast pace. I think my head is still spinning! lol. So much has happened and is planned for the next few months! Here are some of the highlights:

Kennons Job:
                      so Kennon's job is really wonderful! he loves the people, and the work! Recently his truck's alternator went out. Since Monday he has been driving one of the company trucks. It's such a blessing how his comapny is so employee oriented that they understood Kennon's need for a little help! He is also making a lot of good friends! I am really very proud of him.

Our Home: We are really settling into out new house. We've lived here a few months now and have really made it a home! We recently started getting decor on the wall, cleaning out the garage (Update: my car now can go in there!!), and it finally feels like home! we really enjoyed decorating for Christmas. Our fabulous friends Giovanna, and Colt came and helped us put the lights on the very top of the roof... YES, we are chickens!!

                                                 Our lovely Holiday decor :)

Our Tree

The Kiddos:   Eris and Neira (my Goddaughters) are doing really well! Neira just recently weighed in at 13lbs 8oz which was an uber blessing! She will be a chunky monk in no time! Eris has been doing well in her dance class at Mrs Debbie's she has a recital coming up in May!! I also have a new baby i am keeping two days a week Miss Susannah. her parents are in my Sunday school class josh and stephani! Very sweet people with a very sweet baby girl she'll be turning 5 months soon. I kept her several times last semester, her's dads in Grad school, and she has always been the easiest, sweetest lil Baby I love her!

My Marriage:

             Me and Kennon just recently celebrated our 7 month of marriage back on Dec 21. in 8 days we will celebrate our 8th month of marriage. We have made it though several of our 1st's : 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Kennons Bday, Christmas and New Year! So many 1st's as a married couple and we are having a lot of fun with it. Next up is Valentines.. I am so excited to see how special we each make it for each other!! Then my Bday will follow. I am learning so many new things about Kennon as well as myself it really is true what they say you never quit learning! I kinda like it... makes being married so exciting! Course there are several things about Kennon I don't really think I needed to learn HA HA! Its fun to think about 50 years from now and how it will be... I sure hope I am still learning at that point :)

One of our Christmas card pics!! I <3 it!

My Business:
                 My business PaisleyPrincessCrafts that i operate through Facebook is doing really well. I do not have hundreds of orders but I have a pretty steady stream of orders during the month enough to keep me busy, yet still leave me enough time to hand out with the kiddos, my hubby, and have a life :) Here's some of my most recent work!  and the link to my page:
~Baby Bundle~ Gift Set

Bow holders

Valentines Bow

Well this is all  I have for now! super glad I figured out how to add pictures.. :) This is kinda fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a great update!! I've been recently updating ours as well! Catch up at
