Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome 2011!!!

 So 2011 is here. It is strange how these years begin to sneak up on you once you are an adult. This year is going to mark a bunch of firsts in my life! In May is the end of my 1st year of marriage as well as Miss Niera's 1st birthday. On August 4th it will have been 1 year since my wonderful brother in law passed away. At the end of August Eris will begin Preschool. I am SO not ready for that. My Mom and I were talking about it the other day and I started getting all teary eyed. I am going into my 3rd year of keeping Eris, so to see her go to half-day preschool is going to be a big change for me. Plus it kind of solidifies the fact that Eris is growing up and isn't gonna be a little girl forever. :( 

 and that leads me to my most current petpeeve with some people who have kids and have decided because i do not currently have an "natural" children that I do not know or understand what it's like to be a Mom. I think the number one thing that annoys me is when people say "You'll understand when you have children" or "You don't have kids, do you?" I have been keeping kids for well over 15 years. Some of these kids are more than just "babysitting jobs" they are family! I keep Eris and Niera M-F, day in and day out, and sometimes more if I ask Gio nicely. :) I feed them. change them, have bathed them., play with them, teach them, and love them everyday! I am not sure how much more I would need to do for some people to qualify that as being "knowlegdable" enough  to understand what it's like to be a parent.  I often wonder what foster parents or adoptive parents think when they hear people making these ignorant remarks? I know it's not exactly the same but it is similar. I fiirmly believe you do not have to "have"a child to love them like they are yours and be a functional part of thier growth. K,now that that's off my chest.....

I am a chronic procrastinator. I always say I have all these plans for what I will be doing next, but I have now realized that is not always something I can postpone. I have recently began giving away TONS of stuff. Kennon and I have been trying to get our garage useable :) When we first moved in I had my side cleaned out the 1st week, but then we drug out a bunch of stuff we planned to "yard sale"... haha yea, like that was ever gonna happen. So last week I shoved it all out into the driveway and posted it on Freecycle. Within a few hours it was all gone! Now I have been purging so much of our other stuff and it's exciting how much i have gotten rid of or sold. My 2011 is starting off fresh and that is equally exciting.


  1. i love your blog, I agree on your pet peeve, I personally think that the Lord thinks you are a special person and puts the kids in your life because he knows you will love them unconditionally, I know beyond a doubt that i could not love kennon anymore than i do and i did not give birth to him, but as far as i am concerned he is mine as much as matt was mine, i think you should tell people that you feel sorry for them because that they must be missing something if they dont have that kind of love in their life! love you
