Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome to 2013 and a Whole New World!

                 So it's been FOREVER since I have updated!! Being a Mom is busy work! Oh yes, that's right we had our baby!! A beautiful baby GIRL!!! Named Sarai A'lisa Hooker born 7/12/12 at 4:07pm 6lbs 8.5oz, & 19.5 inches of
pure perfection!!!

Here's a Short recap of her first few months!
             I took off a few weeks from my night job and my daytime kiddos to spend time with Sarai at home! It was wonderful! Shortly after that Eris began Kindergarten! Super proud of how she handled her 1st day and thanks to Kennon I was able to be there with her that morning! Thanks hunny! I kept Niera for a few more months.. the kids now have a new sitter. In light of no longer having Niera I went fulltime at my night job till i could find new kiddos.. In that time I registered to be a Listed Home daycare and have since filled all my avaliable spots and quit the night job! I now am able to stay home with Sarai and she has several lil friends her age, to grow up and play with! It's funny how God knows just how to make your life better by providing you what you need right when you need it! I couldnt be happier!


            During her first 7 months Sarai experienced several of her 1st Holidays!
Halloween- She was Raggedy Ann everyone thought she was adorable and thought that she was a real doll! Then came Thanksgiving... She tried mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce! She really enjoyed it! Her 1st Christmas was especially fun for Kennon and I. We loved playing Santa and all the festivities we took her too. The best part was seeing our families with her! All the fun items they gave her and how happy Sarai was with all of them! New years eve Sarai spent with her Granny and PawPaw in Junction, but we got her back New Years Day! She learned to sit up all by herself at the resturaunt where we met to take her home!

--->>>> Fast Forward 7 Months and we are now in Feb 2013!

                           Things in my life right now are Ah-mazing!! I have abeautiful daughter whom I love very much.. just in the last month she has began saying MaMa and DaDa!! Exciting! Trying to teach her Hi, Bye-Bye, and waving... hoping she catches on soon! lol.... I have a fabulous husband who loves me with all he has and treats me like a queen and his daughter like a princess! I love him with all my heart and I thank God for putting him in my path! I have the most wonderful friends! Court and Steph love us and treat us like family! They claim Sarai as a niece..she couldn't be more lucky! Ashley has been coming to visit and fill in as a substitute here with my Daycare kiddos when we have appointments etc.. so blessed to have her friendship and help! And we know have some new friends Des and Kyle we have been enjoying hanging out with and gettin to kno better! Des and I worked at my night job together! She's really fun! Of course I could list on and on about the fabulous things our friends do for us and who they are but we'd be here all day! lol... so thank you ALL! Lastly but certainly not least is our families! We love all of you and appreciate the things you do and get for Sarai! Someday she will know all of your love and she'll love you for everything you've done!!!

                   As far as my Daycare goes everything is going really good! I am completely full and really enjoying myself. The kids I keep are of course Sarai who is 7 months and the rest are all boys Evan is 6 months, Dalton's 10 weeks old, and Gavin who is 9 weeks old! It's kind of like having two sets of Twins under 7 months! So far Evan and Sarai are on similar schedules... whereas Dalton and Gavin are still on demand for feedings so thier schedules are a little more relaxed. I enjoy watching all the kids grow and learn new things! Besides beign with the kids and playing one of my favorite parts of home daycare is the parents! I love when they come in or text/call sharing info on what thier kiddo did all weekend, how they are feeling, or what milestone they are reaching! It's really fun that they want to share those moments with me! I appreciate it too! I'm so blessed to be apart of these kids lives!


Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading!


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