Monday, March 26, 2012

Update :)

So, we've had several sono's and Baby Hooker is doing well! We are 24 weeks along now and we have decided to NOT find out the gender of our lil kiddo!! It's so fun and exciting not knowing!

12 weeks


We recently began working on our Nursery :) It's green and brown and the theme is Jungle!! I love animal print and it works for either gender so it's a win-win! Mom and Dad got us a crib/changing table set, and my lil sis bought us a very cute bouncer, Kennons Mom gave us so money to buy a few things too! We just haven't picked what yet!.. So far things for the baby are moving along smoothly.

Me and Kennon with our cute crib!!!! We are so excited about it a big thanks to my parents for buying it for us :)

Currnetly the base colors are on the wall... looking like a Jungle already! Haha excited to get the Wall border in and get it a little more completed!
Other than the baby, Kennon has been doing exceptionally well at work! Back in December he recieved an award and a plaque for being the #1 most requested installer at Ener-tel. His boss had told him he is on the fast track to a promotion soon, and he already got a raise. I am so proud of him :) He loves his job and that makes me super happy!!

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