Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm gonna be a Mommy!!! :)

                      So, as usual, ALOT has happened since I last updated my blog. Kennon and I are now expecting our first kiddo this coming July! We are very excited. We believe we are about 12 weeks along and will be having our 1st sonogram on January 2nd!! I so can't wait! Other than the pretty constant morning (a.k.a. All Day) sickness I don't really "feel" pregnant so I'm hoping seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat will make it a little more real for me! I just can't believe we finally are!! Such a blessing.

              Kennon and I currently have our friends Ashley and Tim staying with us while they get jobs and a place to live here in Angelo. We previously went and visited them this past June in North Carolina. We were able to go to the beach, sightsee, and just have a really good time. So glad we are able to help them adjust to life in a new place!! But, of course, I really can't wait till they have thier own house for me to help Ash decorate and to go visit them at!! Sooo happy she is back in Angelo!!!

Stop in LA to see my Nae :)

Atlantic Beach!

lol we r crazy!

Plane ride home!!

Christmas was pretty good so far! Got some really cool stuff. The hubs got me a Toshiba Thrive tablet!! im super stoked! Mom and Dad got me the new nike Shox I wanted, and Michelle got mean awesome UT Scentsy! This weekend we head down to Junction to see Kennon's sides of the Fam! Then New Years!!! Can't believe 2011 went by so quickly... 

Me and my gifts :)